Holiday Thoughts and DIY

Answering Those Hard Questions About Santa Claus

As parents, you are bombarded with questions all the time for your younger children who are eager to learn the ways of the world. While some of these questions are simple to answer, others can be a bit more difficult. This is even more true when it comes to questions about Santa Claus. After all, you want your young child to enjoy the magic of Christmas while they are young, so you don’t want to ruin the Santa Claus surprise too early in their lives. But, kids ask some very hard questions about Santa Claus they may stump a lot of parents. Here are some of the more difficult questions you may be asked, as well as how to answer these!

1. How do the reindeer that Santa Claus has really fly?

Many kids ask this question because they learn that birds, bats, and insects are the only species that can really fly. They know that the reindeer do not have wings, so how are they flying? The easy answer would be to say that Santa Claus has some magic, and this magic extends to the reindeer. However, some kids are not satisfied with that answer.  In this case, you may have to use your imagination and say something along the lines of the reindeer harnesses having small jet packs on them that the reindeer are using to fly.

2. How does Santa get into homes that do not have chimneys?

While many people decide to state that he walks through the door…that may not always work for a kid because then they think their front door is always unlocked. Instead, use the magic of Santa Claus to explain this, stating that Santa has the magic powers to walk through walls and doors, so he just lets himself right in. You could even state that Santa gives you a call to unlock the door so that he can come in if you think your child would accept that scenario.

3. What does Santa Claus do the rest of the year?

This is a valid question, after all, Christmas is only during December, so what does Santa do the rest of the year? This is where you can get creative. You can say that Santa takes a long deserved vacation to the beach, he boats around the world, or even that he takes Mrs. Santa Claus on vacation to other countries to tour and shop every year.

4. Is Santa Claus really real?

This can be a very hard question to answer, especially if your kid is getting to the age that kids stop believing. You can answer this in one of two ways. You can go the honest route and explain that no, he is not real and all about how this was created to give kids some magic during the Christmas season. Or, if you want your kid to believe a little bit longer, ask them why they would ask that. You never know they may be concerned about his elves or even some of these other questions that you have the answers to.